The 8 year old and I had the Borderless faux Arduino board working in no time – once I remembered to change the Arduino platform over to a Lenardo board setting. Its the little things that snag the system.
However there are no instructions.
No printed directions came with the kit to bring the new user to a website, help forum, or Arduino. Perhaps there is DIY information on their website, but I (just like any excited hardware recipient) went straight to designing a circuit.
Later I took some time to click thru the links on the Borderless Kit IndieGoGo page which directed me to the Boarderless home page. Then the user is directed to Tutorials & Lessons, but its not something I would recommend to a novice.
The LEDs have colored lens caps so you can connect them in one circuit and all the colors would illuminate. Fun, but deceptive for a novice.
The big problem was the breadboard. No power rails.
This makes for pesky circuit making and does not teach the novice how a ‘standard’ breadboard functions.
All in all its a great price, $9 plus shipping. Harold Timmis created a worthy and community desired kit of parts. If he offers this again I will purchase some for my upcoming classes at Arrowmont.