Sticky Mat Sticks – Problems with Conductive Fabric on the Brother ScanNCut Cutting Mats

The Brother ScanNCut mats have an adhesive application already applied to the surface allowing fabrics and papers to be securely held in place while using the machine.
Although the adhesive is low tack it attracts every loose fiber and hair to its surface making it difficult to have a clean cut without causing woven fabrics to fray and loose threads from migrating between surfaces.
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When removing woven conductive fabrics from the cutting mat be careful with the fabric edges. Each stray thread is a potential short circuit.
Brother ScanNCut - cutting rip stop conductive fabric creates frays and loose threads
This is particularly problematic when using conductive materials as the loose eTextile fibers can stick to other surfaces resulting in your final design having a short circuit.
Brother ScanNCut Cut Mat Adhesive Sticks to Everything