eBay storefront czb6721960 product photos for 4cm x 6 cm double sided PCB’s is not accurate.
The boards arrived in sheets of four and had to be broken apart then sanded for smooth edges.
The boards did not have white ink remarking the rows and columns.
czb6721960 customer service was lacking in rectifying the misrepresentation of the product.
do not purchase again
Flat bed scanner image of czb6721960 4cm x 6cm boards
shipment from czb6721960 does not have white ink remarking columns and rows making the boards difficult to accurately read. The boards also came attached in sets of four requiring the buyer to break the boards into individual 4cm x 6cm PCBs then sanding the edges smooth.
Payment goes to zhang tao (xd888666@hotmail)
screen shot of czb6721960 eBay store front
email response from CZB
Scan of a PCB board with white ink
Scan of PCB from czb6721960 shipment January 2016